For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.
– T. S. Eliot
I haven’t posted once in 2015. A series of events at the end of 2014 (nothing overly dramatic) combined into a froth of busy distraction, blurred intention, deep longing, self-doubt and wandering. Necessary, I’m sure and utterly not fun. In this persistent darkness, January through June have included moments of beauty, tenderness and love.

*LIVE* music…and a very fun drummer to appreciate

Honoring Gina Rose Halpern, founder of The Chaplaincy Institute

Berkeley’s 4th Annual Blessing of the Bicycles

The Supreme Court decision fuels the San Francisco PRIDE celebration!
And the Summer Solstice brought with it a Dawning, of sorts. I am not rushing; the past months have brought no benefit from hurrying. Instead, I try repeatedly to surrender, watch, and wait. There is no “doing,” I am finding what’s left is the act of accompanying. I companion myself and everything this world places in my path. AND I am hoping that, in the sharing of my past months’ reality with you, that you feel evermore free you to feel and share your full range of feelings and uncertainties with the world as well. I am trusting that the new voice (thank you, T. S. Eliot) is making its way to me, within me and through me. And so may it be for you, as well!